




For business owners that are still relying on iPhone photos and video and feel a little embarassed when asked to show their work, we have a variety of solutions that can help you create amazing, interesting content that attracts people to your brand.

Our simple, accountable and effective framework for creating great content will make it an easy and pain free experience to create engaging content that will help you convey what you do and how you help solve people's problem.  Spend less time trying to look mediocre and more time servicing and engaging your customers!

From photography to video - social media to podcasting we create content that aligns with your brand.  Because we have extensive knowledge and systems to develop and curate brands, we are able to identify and carry your voice in the various forms of media.

threesixtymedia-newwestminster 2019
Years Experience
Team Members
Terabytes of Photos

The key to engagement is to peak curiosity first. In today's busy world, getting attention is only a small fraction of the equation.

Once we get attention, we need to hold it, engage on a primal level and work our way up to the trust and social part of interaction.

Are you frustrated with not attracting the right people?  We help you create clarity in your message and establish interest and trust with your customers.

We have a framework that will help create impactful media that attract clients and help you reduce the time it takes to bring them to the trust sphere that makes them ready to take action.

Whether it's to encourage a sale, prep them for an upsell or make them learn and transform, we have the tools and strategies that put your best foot forward.

From e-commerce to lifestyle photos, our team of creatives are able to help you attract attention and bring out your brand.  Because we adjust the style of work to the brand, you can rest assured that you will have alignment.

Inform, Educate, Entertain

Case Studies (1)

Do you find it hard to keep up with all the social media, digital marketing and offline marketing?  Do you feel like you never get any traction or can't keep up the pace of what you are doing while running the business?

Have you tried to farm out the marketing but seem to have troubles finding the right fit, or the right voice that fits your business?

We know how frustrating and time consuming it is to keep up with many forms of marketing.  On top of being consistent, you still have to find ways to attract your audience.  At the end of it all, do you find yourself asking "Is this even working anyway?"

Social Media and Digital Marketing is both simple and complex.  Simple in terms of entering the arena, complex to master and keep track of how each functions in the big picture.

We empower you to create a digital strategy that works for you and your team.  From setup to training or even managing things in the interim, we can support you anywhere in the business cycle.

Other people in the digital marketing arena generally specialize in a single segment and doesn't have deep understanding of both marketing and business fundamentals.  Our team has the expertise to help you navigate the marketing spectrum and find the solutions that fit for you.

Our proven methodology is about informing, educating and entertaining.  The end goal is to serve your ideal raving fan.  We can help create the assets for you or empower you to do it yourself.  Always know that we'll be here to support you should you need a hand or get too busy and need us to take over.  Because our mantra is to empower you, you'll know that we'll be able to take over seamlessly when the time arises.

The truth is for the cost of having a full time employee at your business focusing on one singular aspect of marketing, you could basically rent a department.  From campaign development to production, you'll have way more value than if you were to try and bring it in house.

Knowing that everything can be done under one umbrella also means that you know that each item is produced with intention, extensive thought and according to brand.  No more having to run to 4 or 5 different vendors to find what you need.  No more relying on a coordinator trying to assemble different vendors with different styles and no idea what each person is doing.  One team, one mission, one shared file so that everyone is on the same page.

Contact us today to book your Breakthrough Session where we help explore the various possibilities available for your business.